Source code for

"""``DataCatalog`` stores instances of ``AbstractDataset`` implementations to
provide ``load`` and ``save`` capabilities from anywhere in the program. To
use a ``DataCatalog``, you need to instantiate it with a dictionary of data
sets. Then it will act as a single point of reference for your calls,
relaying load and save functions to the underlying data sets.
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import difflib
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Dict

from parse import parse

from import (
from import MemoryDataset

Patterns = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

CATALOG_KEY = "catalog"
CREDENTIALS_KEY = "credentials"
WORDS_REGEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\W+")

def _get_credentials(credentials_name: str, credentials: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
    """Return a set of credentials from the provided credentials dict.

        credentials_name: Credentials name.
        credentials: A dictionary with all credentials.

        The set of requested credentials.

        KeyError: When a data set with the given name has not yet been

        return credentials[credentials_name]
    except KeyError as exc:
        raise KeyError(
            f"Unable to find credentials '{credentials_name}': check your data "
            "catalog and credentials configuration. See "
            " "
            "for an example."
        ) from exc

def _resolve_credentials(
    config: dict[str, Any], credentials: dict[str, Any]
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Return the dataset configuration where credentials are resolved using
    credentials dictionary provided.

        config: Original dataset config, which may contain unresolved credentials.
        credentials: A dictionary with all credentials.

        The dataset config, where all the credentials are successfully resolved.
    config = copy.deepcopy(config)

    def _map_value(key: str, value: Any) -> Any:
        if key == CREDENTIALS_KEY and isinstance(value, str):
            return _get_credentials(value, credentials)
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            return {k: _map_value(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
        return value

    return {k: _map_value(k, v) for k, v in config.items()}

def _sub_nonword_chars(dataset_name: str) -> str:
    """Replace non-word characters in data set names since Kedro 0.16.2.

        dataset_name: The data set name registered in the data catalog.

        The name used in `DataCatalog.datasets`.
    return re.sub(WORDS_REGEX_PATTERN, "__", dataset_name)

class _FrozenDatasets:
    """Helper class to access underlying loaded datasets."""

    def __init__(
        *datasets_collections: _FrozenDatasets | dict[str, AbstractDataset],
        """Return a _FrozenDatasets instance from some datasets collections.
        Each collection could either be another _FrozenDatasets or a dictionary.
        for collection in datasets_collections:
            if isinstance(collection, _FrozenDatasets):
                # Non-word characters in dataset names are replaced with `__`
                # for easy access to transcoded/prefixed datasets.
                        _sub_nonword_chars(dataset_name): dataset
                        for dataset_name, dataset in collection.items()

    # Don't allow users to add/change attributes on the fly
    def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        msg = "Operation not allowed! "
        if key in self.__dict__:
            msg += "Please change datasets through configuration."
            msg += "Please use DataCatalog.add() instead."
        raise AttributeError(msg)

[docs] class DataCatalog: """``DataCatalog`` stores instances of ``AbstractDataset`` implementations to provide ``load`` and ``save`` capabilities from anywhere in the program. To use a ``DataCatalog``, you need to instantiate it with a dictionary of data sets. Then it will act as a single point of reference for your calls, relaying load and save functions to the underlying data sets. """
[docs] def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self, datasets: dict[str, AbstractDataset] | None = None, feed_dict: dict[str, Any] | None = None, dataset_patterns: Patterns | None = None, load_versions: dict[str, str] | None = None, save_version: str | None = None, ) -> None: """``DataCatalog`` stores instances of ``AbstractDataset`` implementations to provide ``load`` and ``save`` capabilities from anywhere in the program. To use a ``DataCatalog``, you need to instantiate it with a dictionary of data sets. Then it will act as a single point of reference for your calls, relaying load and save functions to the underlying data sets. Args: datasets: A dictionary of data set names and data set instances. feed_dict: A feed dict with data to be added in memory. dataset_patterns: A dictionary of data set factory patterns and corresponding data set configuration. When fetched from catalog configuration these patterns will be sorted by: 1. Decreasing specificity (number of characters outside the curly brackets) 2. Decreasing number of placeholders (number of curly bracket pairs) 3. Alphabetically A pattern of specificity 0 is a catch-all pattern and will overwrite the default pattern provided through the runners if it comes before "default" in the alphabet. Such an overwriting pattern will emit a warning. The `"{default}"` name will not emit a warning. load_versions: A mapping between data set names and versions to load. Has no effect on data sets without enabled versioning. save_version: Version string to be used for ``save`` operations by all data sets with enabled versioning. It must: a) be a case-insensitive string that conforms with operating system filename limitations, b) always return the latest version when sorted in lexicographical order. Example: :: >>> from kedro_datasets.pandas import CSVDataset >>> >>> cars = CSVDataset(filepath="cars.csv", >>> load_args=None, >>> save_args={"index": False}) >>> io = DataCatalog(datasets={'cars': cars}) """ self._datasets = dict(datasets or {}) self.datasets = _FrozenDatasets(self._datasets) # Keep a record of all patterns in the catalog. # {dataset pattern name : dataset pattern body} self._dataset_patterns = dataset_patterns or {} self._load_versions = load_versions or {} self._save_version = save_version if feed_dict: self.add_feed_dict(feed_dict)
@property def _logger(self) -> logging.Logger: return logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config( cls, catalog: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None, credentials: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, load_versions: dict[str, str] | None = None, save_version: str | None = None, ) -> DataCatalog: """Create a ``DataCatalog`` instance from configuration. This is a factory method used to provide developers with a way to instantiate ``DataCatalog`` with configuration parsed from configuration files. Args: catalog: A dictionary whose keys are the data set names and the values are dictionaries with the constructor arguments for classes implementing ``AbstractDataset``. The data set class to be loaded is specified with the key ``type`` and their fully qualified class name. All ```` data set can be specified by their class name only, i.e. their module name can be omitted. credentials: A dictionary containing credentials for different data sets. Use the ``credentials`` key in a ``AbstractDataset`` to refer to the appropriate credentials as shown in the example below. load_versions: A mapping between dataset names and versions to load. Has no effect on data sets without enabled versioning. save_version: Version string to be used for ``save`` operations by all data sets with enabled versioning. It must: a) be a case-insensitive string that conforms with operating system filename limitations, b) always return the latest version when sorted in lexicographical order. Returns: An instantiated ``DataCatalog`` containing all specified data sets, created and ready to use. Raises: DatasetError: When the method fails to create any of the data sets from their config. DatasetNotFoundError: When `load_versions` refers to a dataset that doesn't exist in the catalog. Example: :: >>> config = { >>> "cars": { >>> "type": "pandas.CSVDataset", >>> "filepath": "cars.csv", >>> "save_args": { >>> "index": False >>> } >>> }, >>> "boats": { >>> "type": "pandas.CSVDataset", >>> "filepath": "s3://aws-bucket-name/boats.csv", >>> "credentials": "boats_credentials", >>> "save_args": { >>> "index": False >>> } >>> } >>> } >>> >>> credentials = { >>> "boats_credentials": { >>> "client_kwargs": { >>> "aws_access_key_id": "<your key id>", >>> "aws_secret_access_key": "<your secret>" >>> } >>> } >>> } >>> >>> catalog = DataCatalog.from_config(config, credentials) >>> >>> df = catalog.load("cars") >>>"boats", df) """ datasets = {} dataset_patterns = {} catalog = copy.deepcopy(catalog) or {} credentials = copy.deepcopy(credentials) or {} save_version = save_version or generate_timestamp() load_versions = copy.deepcopy(load_versions) or {} for ds_name, ds_config in catalog.items(): ds_config = _resolve_credentials( # noqa: PLW2901 ds_config, credentials ) if cls._is_pattern(ds_name): # Add each factory to the dataset_patterns dict. dataset_patterns[ds_name] = ds_config else: datasets[ds_name] = AbstractDataset.from_config( ds_name, ds_config, load_versions.get(ds_name), save_version ) sorted_patterns = cls._sort_patterns(dataset_patterns) missing_keys = [ key for key in load_versions.keys() if not (key in catalog or cls._match_pattern(sorted_patterns, key)) ] if missing_keys: raise DatasetNotFoundError( f"'load_versions' keys [{', '.join(sorted(missing_keys))}] " f"are not found in the catalog." ) return cls( datasets=datasets, dataset_patterns=sorted_patterns, load_versions=load_versions, save_version=save_version, )
@staticmethod def _is_pattern(pattern: str) -> bool: """Check if a given string is a pattern. Assume that any name with '{' is a pattern.""" return "{" in pattern @staticmethod def _match_pattern(dataset_patterns: Patterns, dataset_name: str) -> str | None: """Match a dataset name against patterns in a dictionary.""" matches = ( pattern for pattern in dataset_patterns.keys() if parse(pattern, dataset_name) ) return next(matches, None) @classmethod def _sort_patterns(cls, dataset_patterns: Patterns) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Sort a dictionary of dataset patterns according to parsing rules. In order: 1. Decreasing specificity (number of characters outside the curly brackets) 2. Decreasing number of placeholders (number of curly bracket pairs) 3. Alphabetically """ sorted_keys = sorted( dataset_patterns, key=lambda pattern: ( -(cls._specificity(pattern)), -pattern.count("{"), pattern, ), ) return {key: dataset_patterns[key] for key in sorted_keys} @staticmethod def _specificity(pattern: str) -> int: """Helper function to check the length of exactly matched characters not inside brackets. Example: :: >>> specificity("{namespace}.companies") = 10 >>> specificity("{namespace}.{dataset}") = 1 >>> specificity("france.companies") = 16 """ # Remove all the placeholders from the pattern and count the number of remaining chars result = re.sub(r"\{.*?\}", "", pattern) return len(result) def _get_dataset( self, dataset_name: str, version: Version | None = None, suggest: bool = True, ) -> AbstractDataset: matched_pattern = self._match_pattern(self._dataset_patterns, dataset_name) if dataset_name not in self._datasets and matched_pattern: # If the dataset is a patterned dataset, materialise it and add it to # the catalog config_copy = copy.deepcopy(self._dataset_patterns[matched_pattern]) dataset_config = self._resolve_config( dataset_name, matched_pattern, config_copy ) dataset = AbstractDataset.from_config( dataset_name, dataset_config, self._load_versions.get(dataset_name), self._save_version, ) if ( self._specificity(matched_pattern) == 0 and matched_pattern != "{default}" ): self._logger.warning( "Config from the dataset factory pattern '%s' in the catalog will be used to " "override the default dataset creation for '%s'", matched_pattern, dataset_name, ) self.add(dataset_name, dataset) if dataset_name not in self._datasets: error_msg = f"Dataset '{dataset_name}' not found in the catalog" # Flag to turn on/off fuzzy-matching which can be time consuming and # slow down plugins like `kedro-viz` if suggest: matches = difflib.get_close_matches(dataset_name, self._datasets.keys()) if matches: suggestions = ", ".join(matches) error_msg += f" - did you mean one of these instead: {suggestions}" raise DatasetNotFoundError(error_msg) dataset = self._datasets[dataset_name] if version and isinstance(dataset, AbstractVersionedDataset): # we only want to return a similar-looking dataset, # not modify the one stored in the current catalog dataset = dataset._copy(_version=version) return dataset def __contains__(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool: """Check if an item is in the catalog as a materialised dataset or pattern""" matched_pattern = self._match_pattern(self._dataset_patterns, dataset_name) if dataset_name in self._datasets or matched_pattern: return True return False @classmethod def _resolve_config( cls, dataset_name: str, matched_pattern: str, config: dict, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get resolved AbstractDataset from a factory config""" result = parse(matched_pattern, dataset_name) # Resolve the factory config for the dataset if isinstance(config, dict): for key, value in config.items(): config[key] = cls._resolve_config(dataset_name, matched_pattern, value) elif isinstance(config, (list, tuple)): config = [ cls._resolve_config(dataset_name, matched_pattern, value) for value in config ] elif isinstance(config, str) and "}" in config: try: config = str(config).format_map(result.named) except KeyError as exc: raise DatasetError( f"Unable to resolve '{config}' from the pattern '{matched_pattern}'. Keys used in the configuration " f"should be present in the dataset factory pattern." ) from exc return config
[docs] def load(self, name: str, version: str | None = None) -> Any: """Loads a registered data set. Args: name: A data set to be loaded. version: Optional argument for concrete data version to be loaded. Works only with versioned datasets. Returns: The loaded data as configured. Raises: DatasetNotFoundError: When a data set with the given name has not yet been registered. Example: :: >>> from import DataCatalog >>> from kedro_datasets.pandas import CSVDataset >>> >>> cars = CSVDataset(filepath="cars.csv", >>> load_args=None, >>> save_args={"index": False}) >>> io = DataCatalog(datasets={'cars': cars}) >>> >>> df = io.load("cars") """ load_version = Version(version, None) if version else None dataset = self._get_dataset(name, version=load_version) "Loading data from [dark_orange]%s[/dark_orange] (%s)...", name, type(dataset).__name__, extra={"markup": True}, ) result = dataset.load() return result
[docs] def save(self, name: str, data: Any) -> None: """Save data to a registered data set. Args: name: A data set to be saved to. data: A data object to be saved as configured in the registered data set. Raises: DatasetNotFoundError: When a data set with the given name has not yet been registered. Example: :: >>> import pandas as pd >>> >>> from kedro_datasets.pandas import CSVDataset >>> >>> cars = CSVDataset(filepath="cars.csv", >>> load_args=None, >>> save_args={"index": False}) >>> io = DataCatalog(datasets={'cars': cars}) >>> >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], >>> 'col2': [4, 5], >>> 'col3': [5, 6]}) >>>"cars", df) """ dataset = self._get_dataset(name) "Saving data to [dark_orange]%s[/dark_orange] (%s)...", name, type(dataset).__name__, extra={"markup": True}, )
[docs] def exists(self, name: str) -> bool: """Checks whether registered data set exists by calling its `exists()` method. Raises a warning and returns False if `exists()` is not implemented. Args: name: A data set to be checked. Returns: Whether the data set output exists. """ try: dataset = self._get_dataset(name) except DatasetNotFoundError: return False return dataset.exists()
[docs] def release(self, name: str) -> None: """Release any cached data associated with a data set Args: name: A data set to be checked. Raises: DatasetNotFoundError: When a data set with the given name has not yet been registered. """ dataset = self._get_dataset(name) dataset.release()
[docs] def add( self, dataset_name: str, dataset: AbstractDataset, replace: bool = False ) -> None: """Adds a new ``AbstractDataset`` object to the ``DataCatalog``. Args: dataset_name: A unique data set name which has not been registered yet. dataset: A data set object to be associated with the given data set name. replace: Specifies whether to replace an existing dataset with the same name is allowed. Raises: DatasetAlreadyExistsError: When a data set with the same name has already been registered. Example: :: >>> from kedro_datasets.pandas import CSVDataset >>> >>> io = DataCatalog(datasets={ >>> 'cars': CSVDataset(filepath="cars.csv") >>> }) >>> >>> io.add("boats", CSVDataset(filepath="boats.csv")) """ if dataset_name in self._datasets: if replace: self._logger.warning("Replacing dataset '%s'", dataset_name) else: raise DatasetAlreadyExistsError( f"Dataset '{dataset_name}' has already been registered" ) self._datasets[dataset_name] = dataset self.datasets = _FrozenDatasets(self.datasets, {dataset_name: dataset})
[docs] def add_all( self, datasets: dict[str, AbstractDataset], replace: bool = False ) -> None: """Adds a group of new data sets to the ``DataCatalog``. Args: datasets: A dictionary of dataset names and dataset instances. replace: Specifies whether to replace an existing dataset with the same name is allowed. Raises: DatasetAlreadyExistsError: When a data set with the same name has already been registered. Example: :: >>> from kedro_datasets.pandas import CSVDataset, ParquetDataset >>> >>> io = DataCatalog(datasets={ >>> "cars": CSVDataset(filepath="cars.csv") >>> }) >>> additional = { >>> "planes": ParquetDataset("planes.parq"), >>> "boats": CSVDataset(filepath="boats.csv") >>> } >>> >>> io.add_all(additional) >>> >>> assert io.list() == ["cars", "planes", "boats"] """ for name, dataset in datasets.items(): self.add(name, dataset, replace)
[docs] def add_feed_dict(self, feed_dict: dict[str, Any], replace: bool = False) -> None: """Adds instances of ``MemoryDataset``, containing the data provided through feed_dict. Args: feed_dict: A feed dict with data to be added in memory. replace: Specifies whether to replace an existing dataset with the same name is allowed. Example: :: >>> import pandas as pd >>> >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], >>> 'col2': [4, 5], >>> 'col3': [5, 6]}) >>> >>> io = DataCatalog() >>> io.add_feed_dict({ >>> 'data': df >>> }, replace=True) >>> >>> assert io.load("data").equals(df) """ for dataset_name in feed_dict: if isinstance(feed_dict[dataset_name], AbstractDataset): dataset = feed_dict[dataset_name] else: dataset = MemoryDataset(data=feed_dict[dataset_name]) self.add(dataset_name, dataset, replace)
[docs] def list(self, regex_search: str | None = None) -> list[str]: """ List of all dataset names registered in the catalog. This can be filtered by providing an optional regular expression which will only return matching keys. Args: regex_search: An optional regular expression which can be provided to limit the data sets returned by a particular pattern. Returns: A list of dataset names available which match the `regex_search` criteria (if provided). All data set names are returned by default. Raises: SyntaxError: When an invalid regex filter is provided. Example: :: >>> io = DataCatalog() >>> # get data sets where the substring 'raw' is present >>> raw_data = io.list(regex_search='raw') >>> # get data sets which start with 'prm' or 'feat' >>> feat_eng_data = io.list(regex_search='^(prm|feat)') >>> # get data sets which end with 'time_series' >>> models = io.list(regex_search='.+time_series$') """ if regex_search is None: return list(self._datasets.keys()) if not regex_search.strip(): self._logger.warning("The empty string will not match any data sets") return [] try: pattern = re.compile(regex_search, flags=re.IGNORECASE) except re.error as exc: raise SyntaxError( f"Invalid regular expression provided: '{regex_search}'" ) from exc return [dset_name for dset_name in self._datasets if]
[docs] def shallow_copy( self, extra_dataset_patterns: Patterns | None = None ) -> DataCatalog: """Returns a shallow copy of the current object. Returns: Copy of the current object. """ if extra_dataset_patterns: unsorted_dataset_patterns = { **self._dataset_patterns, **extra_dataset_patterns, } dataset_patterns = self._sort_patterns(unsorted_dataset_patterns) else: dataset_patterns = self._dataset_patterns return DataCatalog( datasets=self._datasets, dataset_patterns=dataset_patterns, load_versions=self._load_versions, save_version=self._save_version, )
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] return (self._datasets, self._dataset_patterns) == ( other._datasets, other._dataset_patterns, )
[docs] def confirm(self, name: str) -> None: """Confirm a dataset by its name. Args: name: Name of the dataset. Raises: DatasetError: When the dataset does not have `confirm` method. """"Confirming dataset '%s'", name) dataset = self._get_dataset(name) if hasattr(dataset, "confirm"): dataset.confirm() else: raise DatasetError(f"Dataset '{name}' does not have 'confirm' method")