Source code for kedro.pipeline.modular_pipeline

"""Helper to integrate modular pipelines into a master pipeline."""
import copy
from typing import AbstractSet, Dict, Iterable, List, Set, Union

from kedro.pipeline.node import Node
from kedro.pipeline.pipeline import (

_PARAMETER_KEYWORDS = ("params:", "parameters")

[docs]class ModularPipelineError(Exception): """Raised when a modular pipeline is not adapted and integrated appropriately using the helper. """ pass
def _is_parameter(name: str) -> bool: return any(name.startswith(param) for param in _PARAMETER_KEYWORDS) def _validate_inputs_outputs( inputs: AbstractSet[str], outputs: AbstractSet[str], pipe: Pipeline ) -> None: """Safeguards to ensure that: - parameters are not specified under inputs - inputs are only free inputs - outputs do not contain free inputs """ inputs = {_strip_transcoding(k) for k in inputs} outputs = {_strip_transcoding(k) for k in outputs} if any(_is_parameter(i) for i in inputs): raise ModularPipelineError( "Parameters should be specified in the `parameters` argument" ) free_inputs = {_strip_transcoding(i) for i in pipe.inputs()} if not inputs <= free_inputs: raise ModularPipelineError("Inputs should be free inputs to the pipeline") if outputs & free_inputs: raise ModularPipelineError("Outputs can't contain free inputs to the pipeline") def _validate_datasets_exist( inputs: AbstractSet[str], outputs: AbstractSet[str], parameters: AbstractSet[str], pipe: Pipeline, ) -> None: inputs = {_strip_transcoding(k) for k in inputs} outputs = {_strip_transcoding(k) for k in outputs} existing = {_strip_transcoding(ds) for ds in pipe.data_sets()} non_existent = (inputs | outputs | parameters) - existing if non_existent: raise ModularPipelineError( f"Failed to map datasets and/or parameters: " f"{', '.join(sorted(non_existent))}" )
[docs]def pipeline( pipe: Union[Iterable[Union[Node, Pipeline]], Pipeline], *, inputs: Union[str, Set[str], Dict[str, str]] = None, outputs: Union[str, Set[str], Dict[str, str]] = None, parameters: Dict[str, str] = None, tags: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = None, namespace: str = None, ) -> Pipeline: """Create a ``Pipeline`` from a collection of nodes and/or ``Pipeline``s. Args: pipe: The nodes the ``Pipeline`` will be made of. If you provide pipelines among the list of nodes, those pipelines will be expanded and all their nodes will become part of this new pipeline. inputs: A name or collection of input names to be exposed as connection points to other pipelines upstream. This is optional; if not provided, the pipeline inputs are automatically inferred from the pipeline structure. When str or Set[str] is provided, the listed input names will stay the same as they are named in the provided pipeline. When Dict[str, str] is provided, current input names will be mapped to new names. Must only refer to the pipeline's free inputs. outputs: A name or collection of names to be exposed as connection points to other pipelines downstream. This is optional; if not provided, the pipeline inputs are automatically inferred from the pipeline structure. When str or Set[str] is provided, the listed output names will stay the same as they are named in the provided pipeline. When Dict[str, str] is provided, current output names will be mapped to new names. Can refer to both the pipeline's free outputs, as well as intermediate results that need to be exposed. parameters: A map of existing parameter to the new one. tags: Optional set of tags to be applied to all the pipeline nodes. namespace: A prefix to give to all dataset names, except those explicitly named with the `inputs`/`outputs` arguments, and parameter references (`params:` and `parameters`). Raises: ModularPipelineError: When inputs, outputs or parameters are incorrectly specified, or they do not exist on the original pipeline. ValueError: When underlying pipeline nodes inputs/outputs are not any of the expected types (str, dict, list, or None). Returns: A new ``Pipeline`` object. """ if isinstance(pipe, Pipeline): # To ensure that we are always dealing with a *copy* of pipe. pipe = Pipeline([pipe], tags=tags) else: pipe = Pipeline(pipe, tags=tags) if not any([inputs, outputs, parameters, namespace]): return pipe # pylint: disable=protected-access inputs = _to_dict(inputs) outputs = _to_dict(outputs) parameters = _to_dict(parameters) _validate_datasets_exist(inputs.keys(), outputs.keys(), parameters.keys(), pipe) _validate_inputs_outputs(inputs.keys(), outputs.keys(), pipe) mapping = {**inputs, **outputs, **parameters} def _prefix(name: str) -> str: return f"{namespace}.{name}" if namespace else name def _is_transcode_base_in_mapping(name: str) -> bool: base_name, _ = _transcode_split(name) return base_name in mapping def _map_transcode_base(name: str): base_name, transcode_suffix = _transcode_split(name) return TRANSCODING_SEPARATOR.join((mapping[base_name], transcode_suffix)) def _rename(name: str): rules = [ # if name mapped to new name, update with new name (lambda n: n in mapping, lambda n: mapping[n]), # if it's a parameter, leave as is (don't namespace) (_is_parameter, lambda n: n), # if transcode base is mapped to a new name, update with new base (_is_transcode_base_in_mapping, _map_transcode_base), # if namespace given, prefix name using that namespace (lambda n: bool(namespace), _prefix), ] for predicate, processor in rules: if predicate(name): return processor(name) # leave name as is return name def _process_dataset_names( datasets: Union[None, str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] ) -> Union[None, str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]: if datasets is None: return None if isinstance(datasets, str): return _rename(datasets) if isinstance(datasets, list): return [_rename(name) for name in datasets] if isinstance(datasets, dict): return {key: _rename(value) for key, value in datasets.items()} raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover f"Unexpected input {datasets} of type {type(datasets)}" ) def _copy_node(node: Node) -> Node: new_namespace = node.namespace if namespace: new_namespace = ( f"{namespace}.{node.namespace}" if node.namespace else namespace ) return node._copy( inputs=_process_dataset_names(node._inputs), outputs=_process_dataset_names(node._outputs), namespace=new_namespace, ) new_nodes = [_copy_node(n) for n in pipe.nodes] return Pipeline(new_nodes, tags=tags)
def _to_dict(element: Union[None, str, Set[str], Dict[str, str]]) -> Dict[str, str]: if element is None: return {} if isinstance(element, str): return {element: element} if isinstance(element, dict): return copy.deepcopy(element) return {item: item for item in element}