Source code for kedro.runner.runner

"""``AbstractRunner`` is the base class for all ``Pipeline`` runner

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures import (
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable

from kedro.framework.hooks import get_hook_manager
from import AbstractDataSet, DataCatalog
from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline
from kedro.pipeline.node import Node

[docs]class AbstractRunner(ABC): """``AbstractRunner`` is the base class for all ``Pipeline`` runner implementations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, is_async: bool = False): """Instantiates the runner classs. Args: is_async: If True, the node inputs and outputs are loaded and saved asynchronously with threads. Defaults to False. """ self._is_async = is_async
@property def _logger(self): return logging.getLogger(self.__module__)
[docs] def run( self, pipeline: Pipeline, catalog: DataCatalog, run_id: str = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run the ``Pipeline`` using the datasets provided by ``catalog`` and save results back to the same objects. Args: pipeline: The ``Pipeline`` to run. catalog: The ``DataCatalog`` from which to fetch data. run_id: The id of the run. Raises: ValueError: Raised when ``Pipeline`` inputs cannot be satisfied. Returns: Any node outputs that cannot be processed by the ``DataCatalog``. These are returned in a dictionary, where the keys are defined by the node outputs. """ catalog = catalog.shallow_copy() unsatisfied = pipeline.inputs() - set(catalog.list()) if unsatisfied: raise ValueError( f"Pipeline input(s) {unsatisfied} not found in the DataCatalog" ) free_outputs = pipeline.outputs() - set(catalog.list()) unregistered_ds = pipeline.data_sets() - set(catalog.list()) for ds_name in unregistered_ds: catalog.add(ds_name, self.create_default_data_set(ds_name)) if self._is_async: "Asynchronous mode is enabled for loading and saving data" ) self._run(pipeline, catalog, run_id)"Pipeline execution completed successfully.") return {ds_name: catalog.load(ds_name) for ds_name in free_outputs}
[docs] def run_only_missing( self, pipeline: Pipeline, catalog: DataCatalog ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run only the missing outputs from the ``Pipeline`` using the datasets provided by ``catalog``, and save results back to the same objects. Args: pipeline: The ``Pipeline`` to run. catalog: The ``DataCatalog`` from which to fetch data. Raises: ValueError: Raised when ``Pipeline`` inputs cannot be satisfied. Returns: Any node outputs that cannot be processed by the ``DataCatalog``. These are returned in a dictionary, where the keys are defined by the node outputs. """ free_outputs = pipeline.outputs() - set(catalog.list()) missing = {ds for ds in catalog.list() if not catalog.exists(ds)} to_build = free_outputs | missing to_rerun = pipeline.only_nodes_with_outputs(*to_build) + pipeline.from_inputs( *to_build ) # We also need any missing datasets that are required to run the # `to_rerun` pipeline, including any chains of missing datasets. unregistered_ds = pipeline.data_sets() - set(catalog.list()) output_to_unregistered = pipeline.only_nodes_with_outputs(*unregistered_ds) input_from_unregistered = to_rerun.inputs() & unregistered_ds to_rerun += output_to_unregistered.to_outputs(*input_from_unregistered) return, catalog)
@abstractmethod # pragma: no cover def _run( self, pipeline: Pipeline, catalog: DataCatalog, run_id: str = None ) -> None: """The abstract interface for running pipelines, assuming that the inputs have already been checked and normalized by run(). Args: pipeline: The ``Pipeline`` to run. catalog: The ``DataCatalog`` from which to fetch data. run_id: The id of the run. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover def create_default_data_set(self, ds_name: str) -> AbstractDataSet: """Factory method for creating the default dataset for the runner. Args: ds_name: Name of the missing dataset. Returns: An instance of an implementation of ``AbstractDataSet`` to be used for all unregistered datasets. """ pass
def _suggest_resume_scenario( self, pipeline: Pipeline, done_nodes: Iterable[Node] ) -> None: remaining_nodes = set(pipeline.nodes) - set(done_nodes) postfix = "" if done_nodes: node_names = ( for n in remaining_nodes) resume_p = pipeline.only_nodes(*node_names) start_p = resume_p.only_nodes_with_inputs(*resume_p.inputs()) start_node_names = ( for n in start_p.nodes) postfix += f" --from-nodes \"{','.join(start_node_names)}\"" self._logger.warning( "There are %d nodes that have not run.\n" "You can resume the pipeline run by adding the following " "argument to your previous command:\n%s", len(remaining_nodes), postfix, )
[docs]def run_node( node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, is_async: bool = False, run_id: str = None ) -> Node: """Run a single `Node` with inputs from and outputs to the `catalog`. Args: node: The ``Node`` to run. catalog: A ``DataCatalog`` containing the node's inputs and outputs. is_async: If True, the node inputs and outputs are loaded and saved asynchronously with threads. Defaults to False. run_id: The id of the pipeline run. Returns: The node argument. """ if is_async: node = _run_node_async(node, catalog, run_id) else: node = _run_node_sequential(node, catalog, run_id) for name in node.confirms: catalog.confirm(name) return node
def _collect_inputs_from_hook( node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, inputs: Dict[str, Any], is_async: bool, run_id: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: inputs = inputs.copy() # shallow copy to prevent in-place modification by the hook hook_manager = get_hook_manager() hook_response = hook_manager.hook.before_node_run( # pylint: disable=no-member node=node, catalog=catalog, inputs=inputs, is_async=is_async, run_id=run_id, ) additional_inputs = {} for response in hook_response: if response is not None and not isinstance(response, dict): response_type = type(response).__name__ raise TypeError( f"`before_node_run` must return either None or a dictionary mapping " f"dataset names to updated values, got `{response_type}` instead." ) response = response or {} additional_inputs.update(response) return additional_inputs def _call_node_run( node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, inputs: Dict[str, Any], is_async: bool, run_id: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: hook_manager = get_hook_manager() try: outputs = except Exception as exc: hook_manager.hook.on_node_error( # pylint: disable=no-member error=exc, node=node, catalog=catalog, inputs=inputs, is_async=is_async, run_id=run_id, ) raise exc hook_manager.hook.after_node_run( # pylint: disable=no-member node=node, catalog=catalog, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, is_async=is_async, run_id=run_id, ) return outputs def _run_node_sequential(node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, run_id: str = None) -> Node: inputs = {} hook_manager = get_hook_manager() for name in node.inputs: hook_manager.hook.before_dataset_loaded( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=name ) inputs[name] = catalog.load(name) hook_manager.hook.after_dataset_loaded( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=name, data=inputs[name] ) is_async = False additional_inputs = _collect_inputs_from_hook( node, catalog, inputs, is_async, run_id=run_id ) inputs.update(additional_inputs) outputs = _call_node_run(node, catalog, inputs, is_async, run_id=run_id) for name, data in outputs.items(): hook_manager.hook.before_dataset_saved( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=name, data=data ), data) hook_manager.hook.after_dataset_saved( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=name, data=data ) return node def _run_node_async(node: Node, catalog: DataCatalog, run_id: str = None) -> Node: def _synchronous_dataset_load(dataset_name: str): """Minimal wrapper to ensure Hooks are run synchronously within an asynchronous dataset load.""" hook_manager.hook.before_dataset_loaded( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=dataset_name ) return_ds = catalog.load(dataset_name) hook_manager.hook.after_dataset_loaded( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=dataset_name, data=return_ds ) return return_ds with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: inputs: Dict[str, Future] = {} hook_manager = get_hook_manager() for name in node.inputs: inputs[name] = pool.submit(_synchronous_dataset_load, name) wait(inputs.values(), return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) inputs = {key: value.result() for key, value in inputs.items()} is_async = True additional_inputs = _collect_inputs_from_hook( node, catalog, inputs, is_async, run_id=run_id ) inputs.update(additional_inputs) outputs = _call_node_run(node, catalog, inputs, is_async, run_id=run_id) save_futures = set() for name, data in outputs.items(): hook_manager.hook.before_dataset_saved( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=name, data=data ) save_futures.add(pool.submit(, name, data)) for future in as_completed(save_futures): exception = future.exception() if exception: raise exception hook_manager.hook.after_dataset_saved( # pylint: disable=no-member dataset_name=name, data=data # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable ) return node