Source code for kedro.framework.cli.micropkg

"""A collection of CLI commands for working with Kedro micro-packages."""
# ruff: noqa: I001
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import toml
from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator

import click
from importlib_metadata import PackageMetadata
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from packaging.requirements import InvalidRequirement, Requirement
from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
from rope.base.project import Project
from rope.contrib import generate
from rope.refactor.move import MoveModule
from rope.refactor.rename import Rename

from build.util import project_wheel_metadata
from kedro.framework.cli.pipeline import (
from kedro.framework.cli.utils import (
from kedro.framework.startup import ProjectMetadata

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "{name}"
version = "{version}"
description = "Micro-package `{name}`"
dependencies = {install_requires}

find = {{}}

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _EquivalentRequirement(Requirement):
    """Parse a requirement according to PEP 508.

    This class overrides __eq__ to be backwards compatible with pkg_resources.Requirement
    while making __str__ and __hash__ use the non-canonicalized name
    as agreed in,

    Implementation taken from

    def _iter_parts(self, name: str) -> Iterator[str]:
        yield name

        if self.extras:
            formatted_extras = ",".join(sorted(self.extras))
            yield f"[{formatted_extras}]"

        if self.specifier:
            yield str(self.specifier)

        if self.url:
            yield f"@ {self.url}"
            if self.marker:
                yield " "

        if self.marker:
            yield f"; {self.marker}"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "".join(self._iter_parts(

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        return (
            canonicalize_name( == canonicalize_name(
            and self.extras == other.extras
            and self.specifier == other.specifier
            and self.url == other.url
            and self.marker == other.marker

def _check_module_path(ctx: click.core.Context, param: Any, value: str) -> str:  # noqa: unused-argument
    if value and not re.match(r"^[\w.]+$", value):
        message = (
            "The micro-package location you provided is not a valid Python module path"
        raise KedroCliError(message)
    return value

# noqa: missing-function-docstring"Kedro")
def micropkg_cli() -> None:  # pragma: no cover
def micropkg() -> None:
    """Commands for working with micro-packages."""

@command_with_verbosity(micropkg, "pull")
@click.argument("package_path", nargs=1, required=False)
    help="Pull and unpack all micro-packages in the `pyproject.toml` package manifest section.",
    help="Environment to install the micro-package configuration to. Defaults to `base`."
@click.option("--alias", type=str, default="", help="Rename the package.")
    type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=False),
    help="Module location where to unpack under.",
        exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True, resolve_path=True
    help="Location of a configuration file for the fsspec filesystem used to pull the package.",
@click.pass_obj  # this will pass the metadata as first argument
def pull_package(  # noqa: PLR0913
    metadata: ProjectMetadata,
    package_path: str,
    env: str,
    alias: str,
    destination: str,
    fs_args: str,
    all_flag: str,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    """Pull and unpack a modular pipeline and other micro-packages in your project."""
    if not package_path and not all_flag:
            "Please specify a package path or add '--all' to pull all micro-packages in the "
            "'pyproject.toml' package manifest section."

    if all_flag:

    as_alias = f" as '{alias}'" if alias else ""
    message = f"Micro-package {package_path} pulled and unpacked{as_alias}!"
    click.secho(message, fg="green")

def _pull_package(  # noqa: PLR0913
    package_path: str,
    metadata: ProjectMetadata,
    env: str | None = None,
    alias: str | None = None,
    destination: str | None = None,
    fs_args: str | None = None,
) -> None:
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        temp_dir_path = Path(temp_dir).resolve()
        _unpack_sdist(package_path, temp_dir_path, fs_args)

        # temp_dir_path is the parent directory of the project root dir
        contents = [member for member in temp_dir_path.iterdir() if member.is_dir()]
        if len(contents) != 1:
            raise KedroCliError(
                "Invalid sdist was extracted: exactly one directory was expected, "
                f"got {contents}"
        project_root_dir = contents[0]

        # This is much slower than parsing the requirements
        # directly from the metadata files
        # because it installs the package in an isolated environment,
        # but it's the only reliable way of doing it
        # without making assumptions on the project metadata.
        library_meta = project_wheel_metadata(project_root_dir)

        # Project name will be `my-pipeline` even if `pyproject.toml` says `my_pipeline`
        # because standards mandate normalization of names for comparison,
        # see
        # The proper way to get it would be
        # project_name = library_meta.get("Name")
        # However, the rest of the code expects the non-normalized package name,
        # so we have to find it.
        packages = [
            for project_item in project_root_dir.iterdir()
            if project_item.is_dir()
            and != "tests"
            and (project_item / "").exists()
        if len(packages) != 1:
            # Should not happen if user is calling `micropkg pull`
            # with the result of a `micropkg package`,
            # and in general if the distribution only contains one package (most likely),
            # but helps give a sensible error message otherwise
            raise KedroCliError(
                "Invalid package contents: exactly one package was expected, "
                f"got {packages}"
        package_name = packages[0]

        # Type ignored because of
        package_reqs = _get_all_library_reqs(library_meta)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

        if package_reqs:
            requirements_txt = metadata.project_path / "requirements.txt"
            _append_package_reqs(requirements_txt, package_reqs, package_name)


def _pull_packages_from_manifest(metadata: ProjectMetadata) -> None:
    config_dict = toml.load(metadata.config_file)
    config_dict = config_dict["tool"]["kedro"]
    build_specs = config_dict.get("micropkg", {}).get("pull")

    if not build_specs:
            "Nothing to pull. Please update the 'pyproject.toml' package manifest section.",

    for package_path, specs in build_specs.items():
        if "alias" in specs:
        _pull_package(package_path, metadata, **specs)
        click.secho(f"Pulled and unpacked '{package_path}'!")

    click.secho("Micro-packages pulled and unpacked!", fg="green")

def _package_micropkgs_from_manifest(metadata: ProjectMetadata) -> None:
    config_dict = toml.load(metadata.config_file)
    config_dict = config_dict["tool"]["kedro"]
    build_specs = config_dict.get("micropkg", {}).get("package")

    if not build_specs:
            "Nothing to package. Please update the 'pyproject.toml' package manifest section.",

    for package_name, specs in build_specs.items():
        if "alias" in specs:
        _package_micropkg(package_name, metadata, **specs)
        click.secho(f"Packaged '{package_name}' micro-package!")

    click.secho("Micro-packages packaged!", fg="green")

@command_with_verbosity(micropkg, "package")
    help="Environment where the micro-package configuration lives. Defaults to `base`."
    help="Alternative name to package under.",
    type=click.Path(resolve_path=True, file_okay=False),
    help="Location where to create the source distribution file. Defaults to `dist/`.",
    help="Package all micro-packages in the `pyproject.toml` package manifest section.",
@click.argument("module_path", nargs=1, required=False, callback=_check_module_path)
@click.pass_obj  # this will pass the metadata as first argument
def package_micropkg(  # noqa: PLR0913
    metadata: ProjectMetadata,
    module_path: str,
    env: str,
    alias: str,
    destination: str,
    all_flag: str,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    """Package up a modular pipeline or micro-package as a Python source distribution."""
    if not module_path and not all_flag:
            "Please specify a micro-package name or add '--all' to package all micro-packages in "
            "the 'pyproject.toml' package manifest section."

    if all_flag:

    result_path = _package_micropkg(
        module_path, metadata, alias=alias, destination=destination, env=env

    as_alias = f" as '{alias}'" if alias else ""
    message = (
        f"'{metadata.package_name}.{module_path}' packaged{as_alias}! "
        f"Location: {result_path}"
    click.secho(message, fg="green")

def _get_fsspec_filesystem(location: str, fs_args: str | None) -> Any:
    # noqa: import-outside-toplevel
    import fsspec

    from import get_protocol_and_path

    protocol, _ = get_protocol_and_path(location)
    fs_args_config = OmegaConf.to_container(OmegaConf.load(fs_args)) if fs_args else {}

        return fsspec.filesystem(protocol, **fs_args_config)
    except Exception as exc:  # noqa: broad-except
        # Specified protocol is not supported by `fsspec`
        # or requires extra dependencies
        click.secho(str(exc), fg="red")
        click.secho("Trying to use 'pip download'...", fg="red")
        return None

def _is_within_directory(directory: Path, target: Path) -> bool:
    abs_directory = directory.resolve()
    abs_target = target.resolve()
    return abs_directory in abs_target.parents

[docs] def safe_extract(tar: tarfile.TarFile, path: Path) -> None: safe_members = [] for member in tar.getmembers(): member_path = path / if not _is_within_directory(path, member_path): # noqa: broad-exception-raised raise Exception("Failed to safely extract tar file.") safe_members.append(member) tar.extractall(path, members=safe_members) # nosec B202
# The nosec is still required because bandit still flags this. # Related issue: def _unpack_sdist(location: str, destination: Path, fs_args: str | None) -> None: filesystem = _get_fsspec_filesystem(location, fs_args) if location.endswith(".tar.gz") and filesystem and filesystem.exists(location): with as fs_file: with, mode="r:gz") as tar_file: safe_extract(tar_file, destination) else: python_call( "pip", [ "download", "--no-deps", "--no-binary", # the micropackaging expects an sdist, ":all:", # wheels are not supported "--dest", str(destination), location, ], ) sdist_file = list(destination.glob("*.tar.gz")) # `--no-deps --no-binary :all:` should fetch only one source distribution file, # and CLI should fail if that's not the case. if len(sdist_file) != 1: file_names = [ for sf in sdist_file] raise KedroCliError( f"More than 1 or no sdist files found: {file_names}. " f"There has to be exactly one source distribution file." ) with[0], "r:gz") as fs_file: safe_extract(fs_file, destination) def _rename_files(conf_source: Path, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> None: config_files_to_rename = ( each for each in conf_source.rglob("*") if each.is_file() and old_name in ) for config_file in config_files_to_rename: new_config_name =, new_name) config_file.rename(config_file.parent / new_config_name) def _refactor_code_for_unpacking( # noqa: PLR0913 project: Project, package_path: Path, tests_path: Path, alias: str | None, destination: str | None, project_metadata: ProjectMetadata, ) -> tuple[Path, Path]: """This is the reverse operation of `_refactor_code_for_package`, i.e we go from: <temp_dir> # also the root of the Rope project |__ <micro_package> # or <alias> |__ |__ tests # only tests for <micro_package> |__ |__ to: <temp_dir> # also the root of the Rope project |__ <package_name> |__ |__ <path_to_micro_package> |__ |__ <micro_package> |__ |__ tests |__ |__ <path_to_micro_package> |__ |__ <micro_package> |__ """ def _move_package_with_conflicting_name( target: Path, original_name: str, desired_name: str | None = None ) -> Path: _rename_package(project, original_name, "tmp_name") full_path = _create_nested_package(project, target) _move_package(project, "tmp_name", target.as_posix()) desired_name = desired_name or original_name _rename_package(project, (target / "tmp_name").as_posix(), desired_name) return full_path package_name = package_path.stem package_target = Path(project_metadata.package_name) tests_target = Path("tests") if destination: destination_path = Path(destination) package_target = package_target / destination_path tests_target = tests_target / destination_path if alias and alias != package_name: _rename_package(project, package_name, alias) package_name = alias if package_name == project_metadata.package_name: full_path = _move_package_with_conflicting_name(package_target, package_name) else: full_path = _create_nested_package(project, package_target) _move_package(project, package_name, package_target.as_posix()) refactored_package_path = full_path / package_name if not tests_path.exists(): return refactored_package_path, tests_path # we can't rename the tests package to <package_name> # because it will conflict with existing top-level package; # hence we give it a temp name, create the expected # nested folder structure, move the contents there, # then rename the temp name to <package_name>. full_path = _move_package_with_conflicting_name( tests_target, original_name="tests", desired_name=package_name ) refactored_tests_path = full_path / package_name return refactored_package_path, refactored_tests_path def _install_files( # noqa: PLR0913, too-many-locals project_metadata: ProjectMetadata, package_name: str, source_path: Path, env: str | None = None, alias: str | None = None, destination: str | None = None, ) -> None: env = env or "base" package_source, test_source, conf_source = _get_package_artifacts( source_path, package_name ) if conf_source.is_dir() and alias: _rename_files(conf_source, package_name, alias) module_path = alias or package_name if destination: module_path = f"{destination}.{module_path}" package_dest, test_dest, conf_dest = _get_artifacts_to_package( project_metadata, module_path=module_path, env=env ) if conf_source.is_dir(): _sync_dirs(conf_source, conf_dest) # `config` dir was packaged under `package_name` directory with # `kedro micropkg package`. Since `config` was already synced, # we don't want to copy it again when syncing the package, so we remove it. shutil.rmtree(str(conf_source)) project = Project(source_path) refactored_package_source, refactored_test_source = _refactor_code_for_unpacking( project, package_source, test_source, alias, destination, project_metadata ) project.close() if refactored_test_source.is_dir(): _sync_dirs(refactored_test_source, test_dest) # Sync everything under package directory, except `config` # since it has already been copied. if refactored_package_source.is_dir(): _sync_dirs(refactored_package_source, package_dest) def _find_config_files( source_config_dir: Path, glob_patterns: list[str] ) -> list[tuple[Path, str]]: config_files: list[tuple[Path, str]] = [] if source_config_dir.is_dir(): config_files = [ (path, path.parent.relative_to(source_config_dir).as_posix()) for glob_pattern in glob_patterns for path in source_config_dir.glob(glob_pattern) if path.is_file() ] return config_files def _get_default_version(metadata: ProjectMetadata, micropkg_module_path: str) -> str: # default to micropkg package version try: micropkg_module = import_module( f"{metadata.package_name}.{micropkg_module_path}" ) return micropkg_module.__version__ # type: ignore[no-any-return] except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError): logger.warning( "Micropackage version not found in '%s.%s', will take the top-level one in '%s'", metadata.package_name, micropkg_module_path, metadata.package_name, ) # if micropkg version doesn't exist, take the project one project_module = import_module(f"{metadata.package_name}") return project_module.__version__ # type: ignore[no-any-return] def _package_micropkg( micropkg_module_path: str, metadata: ProjectMetadata, alias: str | None = None, destination: str | None = None, env: str | None = None, ) -> Path: micropkg_name = micropkg_module_path.split(".")[-1] package_dir = metadata.source_dir / metadata.package_name env = env or "base" package_source, package_tests, package_conf = _get_artifacts_to_package( metadata, module_path=micropkg_module_path, env=env ) # as the source distribution will only contain parameters, we aren't listing other # config files not to confuse users and avoid useless file copies # collect configs to package not only from parameters folder, but from core conf folder also # because parameters had been moved from foldername to yml filename configs_to_package = _find_config_files( package_conf, [ f"**/parameters_{micropkg_name}.yml", f"**/{micropkg_name}/**/*", f"parameters*/**/{micropkg_name}.yml", f"parameters*/**/{micropkg_name}/**/*", ], ) source_paths = (package_source, package_tests, configs_to_package) # Check that micropkg directory exists and not empty _validate_dir(package_source) package_destination = ( Path(destination) if destination else metadata.project_path / "dist" ) version = _get_default_version(metadata, micropkg_module_path) _generate_sdist_file( micropkg_name=micropkg_name, destination=package_destination.resolve(), source_paths=source_paths, version=version, metadata=metadata, alias=alias, ) _clean_pycache(package_dir) _clean_pycache(metadata.project_path) return package_destination def _validate_dir(path: Path) -> None: if not path.is_dir(): raise KedroCliError(f"Directory '{path}' doesn't exist.") if not list(path.iterdir()): raise KedroCliError(f"'{path}' is an empty directory.") def _get_sdist_name(name: str, version: str) -> str: return f"{name}-{version}.tar.gz" def _sync_path_list(source: list[tuple[Path, str]], target: Path) -> None: for source_path, suffix in source: target_with_suffix = (target / suffix).resolve() _sync_dirs(source_path, target_with_suffix) def _drop_comment(line: str) -> str: #\ # pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/ return line.partition(" #")[0] def _make_install_requires(requirements_txt: Path) -> list[str]: """Parses each line of requirements.txt into a version specifier valid to put in install_requires. Matches pkg_resources.parse_requirements""" if not requirements_txt.exists(): return [] return [ str(_EquivalentRequirement(_drop_comment(requirement_line))) for requirement_line in requirements_txt.read_text().splitlines() if requirement_line and not requirement_line.startswith("#") ] def _create_nested_package(project: Project, package_path: Path) -> Path: # fails if parts of the path exists already packages = parent = generate.create_package(project, packages[0]) nested_path = Path(project.address) / packages[0] for package in packages[1:]: parent = generate.create_package(project, package, sourcefolder=parent) nested_path = nested_path / package return nested_path def _move_package(project: Project, source: str, target: str) -> None: """ Move a Python package, refactoring relevant imports along the way. A target of empty string means moving to the root of the `project`. Args: project: rope.base.Project holding the scope of the refactoring. source: Name of the Python package to be moved. Can be a fully qualified module path relative to the `project` root, e.g. "package.pipelines.pipeline" or "package/pipelines/pipeline". target: Destination of the Python package to be moved. Can be a fully qualified module path relative to the `project` root, e.g. "package.pipelines.pipeline" or "package/pipelines/pipeline". """ src_folder = project.get_module(source).get_resource() target_folder = project.get_module(target).get_resource() change = MoveModule(project, src_folder).get_changes(dest=target_folder) def _rename_package(project: Project, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> None: """ Rename a Python package, refactoring relevant imports along the way, as well as references in comments. Args: project: rope.base.Project holding the scope of the refactoring. old_name: Old module name. Can be a fully qualified module path, e.g. "package.pipelines.pipeline" or "package/pipelines/pipeline", relative to the `project` root. new_name: New module name. Can't be a fully qualified module path. """ folder = project.get_folder(old_name) change = Rename(project, folder).get_changes(new_name, docs=True) def _refactor_code_for_package( project: Project, package_path: Path, tests_path: Path, alias: str | None, project_metadata: ProjectMetadata, ) -> None: """In order to refactor the imports properly, we need to recreate the same nested structure as in the project. Therefore, we create: <temp_dir> # also the root of the Rope project |__ <package_name> |__ |__ <path_to_micro_package> |__ |__ <micro_package> |__ |__ tests |__ |__ path_to_micro_package |__ |__ <micro_package> |__ We then move <micro_package> outside of package src to top level ("") in temp_dir, and rename folder & imports if alias provided. For tests, we need to extract all the contents of <micro_package> at into top-level `tests` folder. This is not possible in one go with the Rope API, so we have to do it in a bit of a hacky way. We rename <micro_package> to a `tmp_name` and move it at top-level ("") in temp_dir. We remove the old `tests` folder and rename `tmp_name` to `tests`. The final structure should be: <temp_dir> # also the root of the Rope project |__ <micro_package> # or <alias> |__ |__ tests # only tests for <micro_package> |__ |__ """ def _move_package_with_conflicting_name( target: Path, conflicting_name: str ) -> None: tmp_name = "tmp_name" tmp_module = target.parent / tmp_name _rename_package(project, target.as_posix(), tmp_name) _move_package(project, tmp_module.as_posix(), "") shutil.rmtree(Path(project.address) / conflicting_name) _rename_package(project, tmp_name, conflicting_name) # Copy source in appropriate folder structure package_target = package_path.relative_to(project_metadata.source_dir) full_path = _create_nested_package(project, package_target) # overwrite=True to update the files generated by create_package _sync_dirs(package_path, full_path, overwrite=True) # Copy tests in appropriate folder structure if tests_path.exists(): tests_target = tests_path.relative_to(project_metadata.project_path) full_path = _create_nested_package(project, tests_target) # overwrite=True to update the files generated by create_package _sync_dirs(tests_path, full_path, overwrite=True) # Refactor imports in src/package_name/.../micro_package # and imports of `micro_package` in tests. micro_package_name = package_target.stem if micro_package_name == project_metadata.package_name: _move_package_with_conflicting_name(package_target, micro_package_name) else: _move_package(project, package_target.as_posix(), "") shutil.rmtree(Path(project.address) / project_metadata.package_name) if alias: _rename_package(project, micro_package_name, alias) if tests_path.exists(): # we can't move the relevant tests folder as is because # it will conflict with the top-level package <micro_package>; # we can't rename it "tests" and move it, because it will conflict # with the existing "tests" folder at top level; # hence we give it a temp name, move it, delete tests/ and # rename the temp name to tests. _move_package_with_conflicting_name(tests_target, "tests") def _generate_sdist_file( # noqa: PLR0913,too-many-locals micropkg_name: str, destination: Path, source_paths: tuple[Path, Path, list[tuple[Path, str]]], version: str, metadata: ProjectMetadata, alias: str | None = None, ) -> None: package_name = alias or micropkg_name package_source, tests_source, conf_source = source_paths with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: temp_dir_path = Path(temp_dir).resolve() project = Project(temp_dir_path) # project where to do refactoring _refactor_code_for_package( project, package_source, tests_source, alias, metadata, ) project.close() # Copy & "refactor" config _, _, conf_target = _get_package_artifacts(temp_dir_path, package_name) _sync_path_list(conf_source, conf_target) if conf_target.is_dir() and alias: _rename_files(conf_target, micropkg_name, alias) # Build a pyproject.toml on the fly try: install_requires = _make_install_requires( package_source / "requirements.txt" ) except Exception as exc: click.secho("FAILED", fg="red") cls = exc.__class__ raise KedroCliError(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}: {exc}") from exc _generate_manifest_file(temp_dir_path) _generate_pyproject_file(package_name, version, install_requires, temp_dir_path) package_file = destination / _get_sdist_name(name=package_name, version=version) if package_file.is_file(): click.secho( f"Package file {package_file} will be overwritten!", fg="yellow" ) # python -m build --outdir <destination> call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--sdist", "--outdir", str(destination), ], cwd=temp_dir, ) def _generate_manifest_file(output_dir: Path) -> None: manifest_file = output_dir / "" manifest_file.write_text( """ global-include global-include config/parameters* global-include config/**/parameters* global-include config/parameters*/** global-include config/parameters*/**/* """ ) def _generate_pyproject_file( package_name: str, version: str, install_requires: list[str], output_dir: Path ) -> Path: pyproject_file = output_dir / "pyproject.toml" pyproject_file_context = { "name": package_name, "version": version, "install_requires": install_requires, } pyproject_file.write_text(_PYPROJECT_TOML_TEMPLATE.format(**pyproject_file_context)) return pyproject_file def _get_package_artifacts( source_path: Path, package_name: str ) -> tuple[Path, Path, Path]: """From existing package, returns in order: source_path, tests_path, config_path """ artifacts = ( source_path / package_name, source_path / "tests", # package_data (non-python files) needs to live inside one of the packages source_path / package_name / "config", ) return artifacts def _append_package_reqs( requirements_txt: Path, package_reqs: list[str], package_name: str ) -> None: """Appends micro-package requirements to project level requirements.txt""" incoming_reqs = _safe_parse_requirements(package_reqs) if requirements_txt.is_file(): existing_reqs = _safe_parse_requirements(requirements_txt.read_text()) reqs_to_add = set(incoming_reqs) - set(existing_reqs) if not reqs_to_add: return sorted_reqs = sorted(str(req) for req in reqs_to_add) sep = "\n" with open(requirements_txt, "a", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write( f"\n\n# Additional requirements from micro-package `{package_name}`:\n" ) file.write(sep.join(sorted_reqs)) click.secho( f"Added the following requirements from micro-package '{package_name}' to " f"requirements.txt:\n{sep.join(sorted_reqs)}" ) else: click.secho( "No project requirements.txt found. Copying contents from project requirements.txt..." ) sorted_reqs = sorted(str(req) for req in incoming_reqs) sep = "\n" with open(requirements_txt, "a", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(sep.join(sorted_reqs)) click.secho( "Use 'pip-compile requirements.txt --output-file requirements.lock' to compile " "and 'pip install -r requirements.lock' to install the updated list of requirements." ) def _get_all_library_reqs(metadata: PackageMetadata) -> list[str]: """Get all library requirements from metadata, leaving markers intact.""" # See\ # programmatically-getting-non-optional-requirements-of-current-directory/26963/2 return [ str(_EquivalentRequirement(dep_str)) for dep_str in metadata.get_all("Requires-Dist", []) ] def _safe_parse_requirements( requirements: str | Iterable[str], ) -> set[_EquivalentRequirement]: """Safely parse a requirement or set of requirements. This avoids blowing up when it encounters a requirement it cannot parse (e.g. `-r requirements.txt`). This way we can still extract all the parseable requirements out of a set containing some unparseable requirements. """ parseable_requirements = set() if isinstance(requirements, str): requirements = requirements.splitlines() # TODO: Properly handle continuation lines, # see for requirement_line in requirements: if ( requirement_line and not requirement_line.startswith("#") and not requirement_line.startswith("-e") ): try: parseable_requirements.add( _EquivalentRequirement(_drop_comment(requirement_line)) ) except InvalidRequirement: continue return parseable_requirements